Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who am I?

It's your 80th birthday party. The cake is being brought out as everyone around you beings to sing "Happy Birthday." Your gaze meanders around the room; family and friends surround you. As you meet the gaze of the many familiar faces you begin to think back at the connection that was once made between the two of you. Whether its family or friends, your connections are different and vary from person to person. Despite the difference of connections, the same question sparks the question, What kind of legacy did you leave? What lasting impression do all these people have of you?

You hope most of the answers to those questions are positive and the impact you made was genuine. However, despite the positive thinking, you realize it probably wasn't always that way. Did they truly forgive you for that harsh thing you said, for that sarcastic remark that may have cut much deeper than you thought, or for that unintentional gesture that offended.

How often do we do or say something without thinking? If we were to place ourselves in the position of the person celebrating their 80th birthday, what would your answers to those questions be? What would your questions be?

I look back on my life now and wonder what impression I've made thus far. What type of person do people think I am? Do they see Christ in me and through me? Am I the woman I am called to be?

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