Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Those Are Fighting Words

"If you want to you can"

"It's your decision"

"I'm fine"

For the most part I'm an even tempered girl, I enjoy peace. I have a tendency to shut up and not say anything when something is bothering me. I would rather ignore a situation or just let it settle quietly than openly talk about it, because that meant things could get heated and frustration would follow. I didn't like it.

I still don't like doing that; however, I am learning the key to a successful relationship and marriage is being able to openly talk abuot what's bothering you without getting frustrated. Vince and I do get into heated discussions, we both have strong opinions about certain things. But at the end of the day, I still love him and I still want to marry him.

Fighting is healthy. It's when there is no compromise or willing to find that level ground to walk on that fighting becomes hazardous to the health of your relationship. We're bound to disagree, we're two separate people. But one disagreement is not going to be the end of our relationship, it will only show us what we need to work on and where we need to improve while allowing us room to grow and stretch ourselves and become even more so the person God has called us to be. Iron sharpens iron.

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